Absolute Business Mindset: A Feature Length Interview with Maceo Jourdan

Original Interview: Absolute Business Mindset: A Feature Length Interview with Maceo Jourdan Introduction to Podcast Mark Hayward:  This is the “Absolute Business Mindset Podcast” created and hosted by Mark Hayward. This podcast will interview entrepreneurs, business owners and careerists. We’ll delve into their journey to success, key life milestones and go deep into their area of expertise. Get ready to learn from other successes and failures. Today, we have Maceo Jourdan. He’s described himself as the greatest marketing mind in the 20th century. Hello Maceo, how are you? Maceo Jourdan:  I’m doing well, Mark. I’m glad to be here. Physics degree to hedge fund marketing, social media and healthcare Mark: Excellent. Thank you so much for joining me. Let’s go in, start off with your degree. We’re going to talk through your varied career in different industries, hedge fund marketing, trade in social media, healthcare. It all started with a physics degree, I suppose. Why did you choose physics? Why did you decide not to continue a career in physics? Maceo: I love physics, fell in love with it. I was in the States, it’s called AP. Advanced placement. It is basically like college, college light when you’re in high …

Selling to a VC? (What You Need to Know)

Original Interview: Nurture Small Business: Selling to a VC? What You Need to Know! Announcer: Welcome to “Nurture Small Business,” creating a thriving space with your host Denise Cagan. Denise is the president of DCA Virtual Business Support and has been a business owner for almost 20 years. DCA Virtual Business Support provides small businesses with an expert pairing of virtual administrative and marketing assistants to match your needs. Learn more at dcavirtual.com. Denise Cagan: Maceo Jourdan is a serial entrepreneur with two decades of building businesses by creating great products and great marketing. His experience spans a widely eclectic mix of practical real‑world experience from the US Army to the cutthroat world of electronic trading. An early pioneer in computerized trading, Maceo built one of the earliest high‑frequency trading systems for the S&P 500. When pay‑per‑click marketing platforms burst onto the scene, he translated his work into massively successful, automated systems for Google and later Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This sounds so exciting. Maceo, welcome to the show. Maceo Jourdan: Great to be here, Denise. I’m glad we could connect. Denise: Absolutely. In my pre‑conversation with you, I learned that you are quite the serial entrepreneur. Can you …